Modernising our constitution

The European Movement in Scotland has been busy in this most difficult of years campaigning against the impact of Brexit and spelling out why Scotland needs an EU future.

We’ve also taken a hard look at ourselves with pre-(and even a few post-) lockdown activist events and a broad survey of supporters to find out what we should be our priorities. As part of that we have been modernising our Constitution. 

Our previous post set out the EMiS aims which will head up our new Constitution and which reaffirm our goal of full EU membership. We are also proposing a series of changes to make our organisation more inclusive. 

EMiS is a wholly voluntary, membership organisation where people of all parties and none are welcome. Our new Constitution spells that out with our aim:

“To foster support for the EU within the public, civil society and business in Scotland, working with citizens and organisations from across all political parties and none.” So, whether you supported Leave or Remain, whether you’re for or against Scottish Independence or have no fixed views, EMiS is a place where issues around all things European affecting Scotland can be debated. We don’t just want to engage with the already converted!

We are committed to improving diversity in our organisation. EMiS activists are a good mix of men and women, but that has not been reflected historically in our leadership. Our new Constitution for the first time specifies the importance of diversity in the make-up of the Executive Committee which is elected by the membership to run our organisation.  We have also set ourselves the aim of achieving “a balance of protected characteristics” in the holders of the Executive Committee leadership roles, especially Convener and Vice-Convener. 

The time since the EU referendum has seen a surge in pro-EU activism across Scotland. EMiS has supported and encouraged the growth of local groups from cities and regions across our nation. Increasingly we are working across these groups to build an effective grassroots network as a solid foundation for Scotland’s European future. This development is being recognised in our Constitution by setting out how groups can affiliate to EMiS and by expanding our Executive Committee to include 5 members who must also be members of a local group. We also make provision for a sub-group to focus on further supporting the work of local groups and activists. 

Our online AGM on 18 November will decide on the new Constitution. If you are an EMiS member, or would like to join, you will be able to vote to make our organisation ever more inclusive. 

You might also want to join a local group – see if there’s one near you:

The European Movement in Scotland is committed to promoting the essential European value of free speech. Consequently, we regularly publish articles by leading academics, journalists and others discussing issues germane to Scotland’s place in Europe. Such articles do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Movement in Scotland.