Media That Matters – July 2024

A selection of press and academic articles on the EU and Brexit

As summer and a new UK government loom on the horizon we are publishing our second edition of Media that Matters. We’ll publish one more edition, covering the outcomes of the UK and French elections, before taking a break in August.

In this Bylines Scotland podcast, European Movement in Scotland (EMiS) President David Martin talks to Martin Roche about the new European Parliament and the processes of creating a new Commission. He looks too at some of the big issues likely to dominate the EU in the near future, talks about Labour’s position on Brexit and about why the “two routes” to rejoining remains central to the EMiS mission. The recording was made on 20th June.

David Gow’s Cosmopolitan Villager

David Gow writes about “A conspiracy of silence” about public spending holes and rising taxes accompanied by outlandish claims and facile smears have been the default campaign mode. Time to come clean about what’s ahead.”

Kirsty Hughes

In a recent article, Kirsty Hughes looks at the UK’s historic reticence about engaging with Europe and she challenges the view held in some political, media and academic circles that the UK has little appetite for rejoining the EU.

EMiS president David Martin’s interview with Bylines Scotland is carried in this Business Daily report, which also has a quote from EMiS Vice-President, the SNP’s Alyn Smith.

The Observer on 23rd June led the paper with the headline “Starmer’s growth plans “doomed” without access to EU markets.

Brexit may have felt absent from this election – but it will still define it

Larry Elliott

Politico reports on the start of EU accession talks with Ukraine and Moldova

Eyes on the Prize: Shifts in EU interests require a reassessment of relations with the United Kingdom

Picture credit: Deutsche Fotothek‎, CC BY-SA 3.0 de,

The European Movement in Scotland is committed to promoting the essential European value of free speech. Consequently, we regularly publish articles by leading academics, journalists and others discussing issues germane to Scotland’s place in Europe. Such articles do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Movement in Scotland.