#Holyrood2021: 15 manifesto points

EMiS campaigns for Scotland to rejoin the EU – on its own or as part of the UK – and sets out here its 15-point manifesto for parties to adopt as their own (or not) in the Scottish election campaign.

Practical Checklist for Limiting Further Damage to Scotland

The UK has left the EU, but our relationship with Europe clearly matters greatly to the voters of Scotland. This relationship will have longstanding impacts on the country’s economy and culture. We urge prospective members of the Scottish Parliament and their political parties to work to reinforce Scotland’s European interests and prioritise the issues we identify as important for the future prosperity and wellbeing of Scotland and its people.

  • Urge UK government to adapt immigration policy to reflect Scotland’s demographic deficit and specific needs in key sectors such as health, tourism, agriculture and fisheries.
  • Recognise that Scottish citizens wish to recover their right to freedom of movement; ensure frictionless travel and work across the EEA; push for mutual recognition of qualifications.
  • Demand physical proof of settled status for EEA nationals living and working in Scotland.
  • Mitigate impact of post-Brexit trade barriers to allow genuinely frictionless access to EU markets for the food and fishing sectors; ensure close alignment on animal welfare, environmental and food standards.
  • Develop better distribution hubs and more direct transport links between Scotland and mainland Europe.
  • Support close co-operation with other European countries in the effective protection and management of our shared marine resources.
  • Maintain strongest possible educational and cultural links with the EU, allowing free access to young people, teachers, academics and members of the creative industries; push for Scotland’s renewed participation in Erasmus+.
  • Ensure Scottish interests are fully represented in EU Research Programme Committees.
  • Ensure NHS Scotland retains its ability to provide comprehensive, publicly-funded health services free at the point of delivery; rule out deregulation or privatisation by stealth.
  • Limit any negative impact of Brexit on public health by ensuring adequate supply of medication and treatments; and by maintaining close cooperation with European health agencies and networks.
  • Demand full partnership in managing the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, the replacement for the extensive and locally focussed EU funding that has strengthened Scotland’s communities.
  • Use #COP26 to underline Scotland’s commitment to tackling the climate emergency and ensure emissions targets are consistent with or higher than those of the EU.
  • Stay closely aligned with EU on all environmental protection and clean energy policies.
  • Stay closely aligned to EU human rights laws
  • Adopt EU’s approach to privacy and transparency around use of personal data

Promoted by the European Movement in Scotland, c/o Orbit Communications, 4 Queen Street, Edinburgh EH2 1JE

The European Movement in Scotland is committed to promoting the essential European value of free speech. Consequently, we regularly publish articles by leading academics, journalists and others discussing issues germane to Scotland’s place in Europe. Such articles do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Movement in Scotland.